Pain in the butt!

We often have patients coming in who will without knowing blanket label themselves with either piriformis or sciatica syndrome. There are a few things we consider as massage therapists when deciding how best to treat these types of pain issues.

Why is it happening?

Is this type of pain something you wake up with, gets worse throughout the day? Are you seated for long periods of time? Is there referral pain into the knee, foot or perhaps your also feeling stiff in the lower back?

Piriformis approach in a nutshell

Classically, the Piriformis muscle (Piriformis Syndrome) can cramp or suffocate the sciatic nerve where it’s passing intimate to this muscle specifically. Often our massage therapist can help by way of direct muscle release techniques that can be done through the clothing or on our treatment table using an isolated hip drape with direct contact to the hip tissue.

Sciatica approach in a nutshell

Sciatica is often associated with a referral pattern, into the butt and down the leg that could stem from irritation originating at the lower back. While we wouldn’t necessarily isolate treatment approach exclusively to the lower back, your massage therapist may find it useful to apply a technical and yet, gentle depth to the muscles of the lower back as well as the hip.

Hip imbalances in a nutshell

Muscle imbalances are often culprit especially when pain is unique to one butt cheek or the other. All of our massage therapists are trained to scan for alignment issues whether they are boney or more muscle in nature. We’ll suggest homecare strategies that may be helpful in reducing your chance of this pain coming back as well as making the pain relieving benefits of massage last long after your gotten off the treatment table.